Google’s announcement to limit the use of third-party data with the launch of GA4 has forced the digital marketing industry to shift its approach. After years of webpages relying on third-party cookies to elevate search engine rankings, it’s become more important than ever to map out a new SEO strategy for your online business by 2023.
That’s why the creative agency Melbourne team has come up with a guide on how to introduce first-party data into your digital marketing strategy so your website is prepared for the changes coming in the new year.
First-party data is information collected through predictive analytics and any customer engagement with your website that hasn’t been sourced externally. This type of data collection doesn’t completely exclude the use of cookies but instead focuses on ownership of any marketing data relative to your online business. This can involve elements of UX design via the addition of data collection points throughout your webpages that can also improve your customers overall experience.
An example of this could include providing the option for consumers to create sign in accounts, allowing them to voluntarily store information within your website and allowing you to avoid any future complications surrounding the use of third-party data. Other valuable features to invest in include language preference options, shopping carts, email newsletter subscriptions.
As previously mentioned, eDM marketing is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to build your first-party data archive with effective information for SEO. When users sign up to receive a digital newsletter via your website they’re providing you with personal details that you can later use in any analytics pertaining to your consumer demographic. Alongside this, newsletters are a great way to track what kind of topics and/or products are popular with your target audience. They can also be a great way to redirect traffic to content you’ve designed with first-party data collection in mind.
One of the most popular ways to improve online engagement within the last year or two, is through partnerships with digital influencers. This method has only been heightened with the success of the marketing and e-commerce hybrid features TikTok has made readily available. While the future of data collection through social media is still uncertain, you can still use platforms like TikTok and Instagram to redirect viewers to your first-party digital marketing content. If you want your e-commerce business to remain successful in the coming years, it's essential you use social media collaborations and platforms as a way to encourage potential customers to visit and engage with your website.
If you need advice on how to create the best first-party data strategy for your online business, feel free to book a consultation with our digital agency Melbourne team now.